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Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på - startsida för  Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA). Studenter och personal på Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI, Web of Science). Studenter och  Vi baserar våra bibliometriska analyser på en databas med innehåll som motsvarar den internationella publikationsdatabasen Web of Science. Inom medicin  Branschöverskridande samarbeten mellan samhälle, näringsliv och forskning är innovationens framtid.

The Science Citation Index of the Web of Science and the PubMed database were searched using various combinations of the terms Herpes simplex, HSV-1, HSV-2, plant compounds (and derivative words), natural products, antiherpetic drugs, clinical trial, in vivo, mouse, in vitro, and therapeutic index to identify relevant articles published between 1954 and 2010.

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Contains citations from scientific articles (cited references), enabling citation analysis (  A multidisciplinary citation index to the journal literature of sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities. It provides access to current information and  Web of Science. Web of Science is a multidisciplinary search engine for journal articles. It is a citation index, showing you how many times and by who  Üniversitemizin ISI Web of Science (WoS) veritabanında taranan tüm yayınları ve atıflarına yönelik kayıtların AVESIS sistemine aktarımına yönelik süreçler  20 Nov 2006 Web of Science, which is part of the Web of Knowledge product from Thomson ISI , grew from the venerable Science Citation Index created by  Multidisciplinary database with citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine, technology and arts & humanities. Access: KI only. Ask a question.

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Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

2. Create a sign-in for Web of Science (top right corner of the landing page).. While optional, creating a sign-in allows you to: In Web of Science you can narrow the search by writing NEAR/x to indicate how many words are between the search term words. For example, "climate change" NEAR/8 ocean will yield results that contain the phrase "climate change" within 8 words of the word "ocean." In Web of Science you cannot use an AND operator with the NEAR operator, but you can include "phrase searching" by putting quotations around the exact phrase you want to include in your search. Welcome.

2020-05-29 · Web of Science Core Collection (1900-present) Search the world’s leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Zoological Record (1864-present). The world’s leading taxonomic reference and oldest continuing database of animal biology.

Innehåller: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index. Web of Science. Referensdatabas/Citeringsindex Utgör en samlad portal för sökning i följande citeringsindex: Science Citation Index omfattar  I databasen Web of Science indexeras fackgranskade internationella tidskrifter inom naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap och humaniora. Web of Science r Web of Science-avtalet omfattar följande index: Arts & Humanities Citation index Emerging Sources Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Web of Science innehåller flera olika databaser, varav biblioteket prenumererar på följande: Web of Science Primary (Science Citation Index - SCI, Social Science  Web of Science consists of records from scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and  Sisältää viitetietokannat: Science Citation Expanded (SCI) 1945-; -- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) 1956-; Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) 1975-;  Web of Science is recommended by Chalmers Library because it is one of largest and most important scientific article databases, and it has a citation index. Databasen Web of Science (WoS), som ägs av Clarivate Analytics, anses av många inom den akademiska världen som den främsta kvalitetsdrivna databasen  LIBRIS titelinformation: Web of science [Elektronisk resurs] Social sciences & humanities; Conference proceedings citation index; Current chemical reactions  En citeringsrapport är i sin enklaste form en rapport som fås direkt från Web of Science. I den ser man antalet citeringar som en forskares  Web of Science, part of @Clarivate, is the world's largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform.

If you want to get email alerts when something new is published on your topic, click in the Send Me Email Alerts box. 免费使用web of science的技巧。Web of Science 是一个非常有用的文献检索数据库,一般需要科研机构购买使用权限,这样我们在相应的 IP 地址段访问就会自动登录机构账号。 Web of Science (до 2014 Web of Knowledge) — платформа, на якій розміщено бази наукової літератури і патентів, до 2016 року належала Thomson Reuters. Clarivate Web of Science. 83,148 likes · 87 talking about this. Web of Science, part of @Clarivate, is the world’s largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform. Web of Science also includes Journal Citation Reports (JCR), InCites, and Essential Science Indicators, through the InCites platform. These are resources for identifying journal impact factors and institutional performance rankings.